Online kurz: Lymfologická a onkologická rehabilitace

Místo konání:



15. 11. 2022 - 16. 11. 2022

Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
dovolte nám, abychom Vás pozvali na online kurz 



Prof. dr. An de Groef

Drs. Wouter Hoelen


Kurz je v anglickém jazyce.

Registrovat se můžete níže na dvoudenní kurz 15. - 16. 11. 2022. Kurzy začínají v 19.30 a konec je plánovaný na 21.30 hodin.

Po Vaší registraci obdržíte e-mailem link s adresou na kurz.


You, as a physiotherapist want to gain knowledge in the field of Lymphology & Oncology REHAB?

After this 4hr webinar you will know more about the role of physiotherapy creating tailormade exercises for the cancer population. Find out what a prospective model for cancer care can bring for the cancer population in your daily physiotherapy practice or REHAB facility! An de Groef will give an introduction on evidence, implications and a theoretical construct for the parameters regarding an optimal exercise therapy treatment plan in cancer REHAB in part 1 of this webinar. Wouter Hoelen will bridge the gaps between cancer diagnosis, cancer interventions and comorbidity from a patient as well as physical therapists perspective and deals with fatigue, pain and lymphoedema in part 2 of this webinar. Both will use case studies to alleviate the presentations and make the gained knowledge directly implementable for your daily practice! There will be time reserved for discussions and case presentations in both interactive parts of this webinar.

After the webinar you will know more about:

Clinical reasoning, tailor-made therapy choices, barriers and motivators for patients and exercise therapy before, during and after cancer therapy interventions.

This webinar is an introduction to a 12 day course in the field of Lymphology & Oncology to be organised in 2023!



Prof. dr. An de Groef
An is an associate professor at the KULeuven, Belgium and has published papers in the fields of Lymphology & Oncology.

Drs. Wouter Hoelen
Wouter Hoelen has done his MSc Lymphology & Oncology and is passionate about the lymphatic system within the field of oncology. He is co-director of the multidisciplinary clinic the Berekuyl and the Berekuyl academy, where you can follow training to become an edema and/or oncology physiotherapist. He is very interested in the multidisciplinary approach in cancer physiotherapy, viewed from the perspective of a patient and rehabilitation sciences.

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